About Us
In today’s media driven world, we are told how we should live and behave and think!
The intensity of the messaging seems to be increasing year after year: how to better use energy, how to treat the environment, to fix our unperceived racism or that our political manners should be proper and correct.
We are told we are autonomous and free. Yet, our pushy ‘messengers’ swamp us with directives on how to act, how to treat others, which particular identity group should be favored. Oh and don’t foget to keep your religion private because that is primitive nonsense or risk being cancelled and shunned.
Why the pushiness if we are autonomous?
The truth is everything from our “autonomy” to ‘we need to ditch the car to save earth’ – they are all false narratives to who we really are. We are adopted sons and daughters of God. Our identity comes from, and is fulfilled in this simple formulation. God has a plan for us. In fact, he is good at it, he even has a plan for everything! Not only that, he chooses to remain with us, abide with us in the Eucharist, to assist us in this deep relationship he wants with us.
Only by regaining our identity and dignity within God’s plan can we rip ourselves out of the vortex of worldly narratives.
MarriageU is dedicated to this project: to find ourselves in our sacramental marriage, being formed by the Eucharist, the source and summit of who we are.
MarriageU sets out to regain the practical foundation of society: marriage and family. This is the way God has planned it. Not the world.
Marriage does not belong to the world. It is God’s design for his people.
Every Christian Catholic who is in a courtship seeking to marry, to professional preparing the couple to the priest all should believe that marriage is God’s plan for us.
When tough times come even the Christian therapist and family law attorney should believe and know how to keep clear what their first duty is – to protect what God has joined. Mt 19:6
The reason is simple, just as Christ married us first in the Eucharist, we treat his Sacrament with the same dignity he treats us. Did you know that this is in the bible and our tradition!?
Join us in this multi-faceted and truly rewarding adventure to recapture our own meaning and role in God’s plan within marriage since it is “a great mystery, and I am applying it to Christ and the church” Eph. 5:32